Corporations, institutions, NGOs, startups, and small and midsize businesses are finding themselves in a quandary:

How do we create sustainable cultures of talent that share our mission and vision while pushing the envelope of innovation?

What are the stories in the room? This is a question that will begin to shape a deeper perspective about your people and your organization because stories are the ultimate currency for fostering authentic connections in the corporate world.

As an expert in strategic storytelling, Dr. Rod Berger shares key elements to crafting narratives that resonate and engage, transcending the noise of the fast-paced business environment and putting a spotlight on authenticity from the inside out. 

Rod’s keynote emphasizes how storytelling builds trust, empathy, and camaraderie among team members, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and dynamic work environment. He highlights how storytelling can be harnessed to share profound organizational narratives that humanize businesses to their clients.

“The experience of leadership can't be distilled into seven steps - it must emanate from our relationship with ourselves. Only then can others truly view a horizon line cast from truth.”

- Dr. Rod Berger

Keynote Topics

Why storytelling is at the heart of leadership?

Don’t sit on your greatest asset when the clock hits zero! Leadership opportunities are moments seized by those who recognize their worth…their story! – Dr. Rod Berger

Stories have always been there in business. We rely on case studies and customer success stories to communicate value. If we're presenting to investors, we're going to relay stories. When, at the drop of a hat, we need to share a status update on the company growth with the board, we rely on stories. At its heart, leadership is about our ability to carry out a narrative review of our past as a company, peel back the layers of the story and understand the characters and the role that they played, and the value that they held in that prequel. 

Authentic storytelling and organizational change

Fear not – stories forgive…stories embrace…and stories ignite. Let your story be the accelerant to the culture-defining moments before you.– Dr. Rod Berger

Until recently, leaders have affected cultural changes in their organisation by issuing orders, but we are in the middle t of a massive paradigm shift - gone are the days when a top-down approach delivers the hoped for alignment between strategic goals and organisational behaviours. Leaders can no longer assume that their role comes with the power to dictate change to a talent base; rather, it is our ability to persuade and inspire, using simple and well-rehearsed stories, which helps us make a difference. 

What is your story?

Our professional story is defined not by thresholds of arbitrary success but rather by the questions that build context around our dreams. – Dr. Rod Berger

We all have a story, and a narrative, and instead of laying that narrative out in a hierarchy, like on our LinkedIn profile or in our resumes, what helps us stand out is to employ an upside down approach that says, it's the process, it's the path that I've taken over time that's made me who I am, that makes me want to be someone you want to hire, that you want to work with, you want to collaborate with, you want to promote, and you want to go into business with.  By understanding our role in the story, we can give a much richer account of who we are, the value that we bring, and the inspiration that keeps us going.  

Listen To A Gifted Storyteller

Storytelling Partners: Past & Present


“The audience at our gala was effusive in their praise of the experience Rod provided with his moving speech!”

—  Pangea Educational Development

“Rod is an absolute dynamo and thoughtful storyteller.”

— Netflix Director of Brave Blue World

“Rod’s skillful moderation not only facilitates insightful conversations but also ensures that each panelist's unique perspective contributes to a rich and cohesive storyline.”

— Battle Ground Academy

Would you like Rod to speak on your upcoming event?

To check Rod’s availability or find out more about his field of expertise, please contact Michael Levey at Speaking Office.